We all go through tough times. Sometimes all we need is someone to talk to about it. Someone who will listen without judging or criticizing. If you are facing a crisis know that you are not alone. Know also that someone else may have already gone through it and may have some wisdom and a new perspective that can help you through it. You can visit the site listed on the photo at left to see some inspiring stories. Share this with someone you know. And as always feel free to ask any question and I am happy to help any way I can. Read yesterday's comments to see our first question on this blog on eating pork. I welcome your comments.
How do you feel about the body of Christ drinking alcohol? Most of us know it is a sin to get drunk, but is it wrong to drink beer, wine, etc. without getting drunk?
Is it a sin for Christians to drink wine, beer or other alcoholic beverages?
And the answer is....(drum roll please)...yes and no.
Yes, if we drink to excess and only you know what is excessive for you and yes when our drinking, if only casually, causes a fellow believer to stumble in his walk of faith.
No, it is not a sin when done in moderation and we are not causing our weaker fellow Christians to stumble.
Read my blog entry for today and follow the link for a really good article on this subject. Thanks for a great question!
Thanks for answering that question. That question reminded me something funny that happened many years ago. After church one sunday I went into the local Kroger's on the way home. I think I was getting some milk and had to walk through the alcohol section on my way to the cash register. Anyway, I ran into someone I had just seen in church browsing the wines. This person was so embarrassed and told me not to tell Pastor Dan they were buying wine. It seemed rather funny being this person is an elder in the church and I'm pretty sure doesn't need Pastors's approval for buying a bottle of wine. I guess even Christians are unsure of...should they or should they not be drinking alcohol. Your blog on alcohol really clears all that up.
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